
"snowIRT" for Rasch measurement model in the jamovi program

중앙대교육학과 0 4117

I am pleased to announce "snowIRT" statistical module is now available in the jamovi library.

"snowIRT" module is especially useful for developing psychological testing with dichotomous or polytomous data.

"snowIRT" calculates item statistics(total score, IRT measure, Infit and Outfit Mnsq.), person reliability, MADaQ3 with p value for model fit, and Q3 correlation matrix for the assumption of local independence with dichotomous and polytomous data in the Rasch unidimensional model.

The "snowIRT" also allows users to produce plots including Wright Map and Item Characteristic Curves of each item based on Master's Partial Credit Model.

All you have to do is to highlight the variable and click the arrow to move it across into variables box. ^^

If you have any questions, please e-mail me: snow@cau.ac.kr

or visit my homepage: http://jamovi.kr


and github: https://github.com/hyunsooseol/snowIRT